

I would certainly recommend my friends to join The Physics Cafe. It is a unique gift of an individual (Mr Dave Sim) to be able to present Physics in such a simplistic manner. Despite joining Mr Dave Sim’s class late into my J2 year, the weekly lessons...

Mr Sim’s notes and teachings are really easy to understand and learn. 🙂 They build the perfect foundation for your Physics syllabus. All you need is a little effort on your part and the A should be yours. I came to this tuition with a...

The best tuition centre I’ve ever joined 😀 Mr Sim helped me to understand Physics much, much better, and the grades kind of speak for themselves. During my ‘O’ Levels I managed a A2 for my Physics out of pure memorization of questions, and I didn’t...

Mr. Sim has definitely been a tremendous help to me in my understanding of Physics! I have become extremely confident in what I am doing and I almost always can explain properly to my friends whenever they ask me physics questions! I would definitely say...

Physics Cafe has been very successful in helping me answer any type of question, be it easy or challenging. However hard the questions may be, Mr Sim always breaks down the question until it is possible for anyone to solve any type of question. Before I...

Hi Sir,

It has been such a great joy having you as a physics tutor. I can frankly say, I have never had as much fun in class as I had during physics. All your jokes (whether they were funny or not :P) just made the...

Mr Sim is respectable, responsible and enthusiastic physics teacher. He teaches us with extreme patience and this can be reflected when he explains to us the physics concept again and again until all of us understand. While repeating the concept, he never makes me bored as...

Mr Sim’s popular physics notes are concise and comprehensive. He never fails to break down a chapter into different key concepts and ideas, making it easier for us to understand. Even a particularly difficult chapter will seem manageable and much less intimidating. He would even classify questions...

I am very thankful and glad that I have joined The Physics Cafe since J1. Without the guidance I received from Mr Sim, I would probably feel very demoralised about Physics as a subject and wouldn’t do as well in school. The Physics Cafe has definitely...

I feel that the physics notes you gave to us is superb, so much so that many from other classes have asked for it too. The summarised physics notes are concise and to-the-point, cutting short all the ‘long stories’ in the lecture notes. It is easily comprehensible...

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