05 Feb How to Motivate Your Child to Learn O-Level Chemistry
‘Motivation is what sets you in motion, and the habit is what keeps you going’- Jim Ryun. Once your child is encouraged to study O-level chemistry, they will keep books closer. Motivations keep them moving in their studies and do better in the exam.
Inspiration is a gear to academic excellence. Most children who perform well in O-level chemistry have parents behind their backs; guardians who hold their hands even when things go wrong. Therefore, be there for your kid, motivate them to raise their confidence. Once they have courage, it will be easy to keep doing better and better each dawn.
6 Ways to Motivate Your Child Learn Chemistry
1. Bring up Chemistry Talks
Engaging your child in O-level chemistry talks can motivate them to study more. Talk about how chemistry relates to the environment. Also, you can explain the chemical processes that happen inside the body to make chemistry fun.
Chemistry talks help your child understand some concepts better. Also, it challenges your kid to think critically. As a result, they get inspired and keep learning. Also, it bring their best grades in chemistry exams.
Finally, bringing up O-level chemistry talks ignite your child’s interest. It leaves them wanting to know more. As a result, they go back to their chemistry textbooks to study more. In the end, your child keeps reading chemistry concepts frequently and becomes sharper.
2. Do Fun Chemistry Experiments Together
Do you want your child to get motivated in studying O-Level chemistry? Carry out simple chemistry experiments at home with them. It will excite them and get them interested to learn about these experiments.
For example, while washing clothes, you can explain to your child how soap and detergent clean clothes. They will understand that soap is a potassium or sodium salt with fatty acids, and hence it has cleansing power. Such experiments prepare your child’s mind to understand better when the teacher is teaching.
The O-level chemistry experiments require a few of your household items. Besides, they are easy to conduct and observe. Therefore, engage your child in such lab sessions to build a strong foundation. As a result, they will have an easy time doing chemistry experiments at school.
3. Watch Science Programs Together
The more you see something, the more you become familiar with it and understand it. Since it is the digital era, your child is familiar with laptops, mobile phones, TVs, and tablets. Some sit for hours watching cartoons and playing games.
You can integrate an hour or two for watching science-related programs with your kid. Some television stations have impactful education programs for children. Sit down with your child and go through the shows as you explain to them the basics. It will build their knowledge of chemistry.
BBC is one of the TV stations with short chemistry videos like Chemistry: A Volatile History. The program brings different topics like the formation of the periodic table. Also, YouTube has interesting chemistry videos. Open them for your kid to watch. It will motivate them to learn O-level chemistry more.
4. Encourage Reading of Chemistry Books
Sometimes, reading can be strenuous, but some books make it fun. Besides, research shows that kids who study at home and watch their parents read at home perform better. Therefore, encourage your child to have personal study time to go through some chemistry books.
Besides talking about and doing fun O-level chemistry experiments, have some reading time. Buy your child chemistry books for their studies. Look for books that explain chemistry concepts in enticing ways. It keeps your child glued on them for an hour, and they gain knowledge.
When reading becomes your child’s habit, they won’t struggle with O-level chemistry. It motivates them and makes it easy to read the chemistry textbooks from school. As a result, performing well in O-level chemistry will be their habit.
5. Reward Your Child when They Improve
When you do better in something, and someone recognizes your effort, you feel motivated to keep on. The same way to your kid, once you reward their progress in O-level chemistry, they become encouraged. They intend to do better in their next exam.
Therefore, if your child revamps, even if it is with one mark, congratulate them. You can buy them a chemistry book to help them study better. The appreciation helps your child feel that their commitment to studying is recognized.
A positive reinforcement excites your child to keep working harder. It allows them to focus more on their studies because they know an improvement comes with a gift. As a result, motivation to keep doing well encourages them to study O-level chemistry as scheduled.
6. Create a Conducive Learning Environment
A peaceful learning environment is enjoyable. It helps your child focus on their studies for the allocated time. It allows them to absorb most of the O-level chemistry concepts. As a result, they bring good grades at home after the exams. Therefore, provide a conducive learning environment to your child.
Have a study room or a study table for your kid’s study time. A place free from noise or any distraction. It will motivate them to learn each day after school. Your child will have a friendly atmosphere to go through what was taught at school and complete the homework on time.
A noisy study environment kills the morale for learning. It takes the mind far away from what is in the books. For instance, if there is music around, your child will stop reading and start dancing or singing along. You can switch off the TV during your child’s study time to provide peace of mind.
You have a crucial role to play in your child’s education. Their performance in O-level chemistry is heavily influenced by how you help them. Therefore, be there to motivate your child. Keep cheering them until they make it. Your motivation keeps them moving in their studies.
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