09 Jun Why You Should Consider Group-Based Physics Tuition
Group-based Physics tuition is common in Singapore. As the old adage goes, two are better than one. Although some parents have some reservations on group-based tuition, there are benefits for students. Just like the world has come together to fight a common enemy, COVID-19, the same principles tell why it could be easier working together. Before you enroll for your Physics tuition, it is imperative to understand the advantages of a group-based study.
Physics is one of the science subjects that call for collaborative learning. Although you might have the freedom to manage your time when working independently, you could miss out on the benefits of group learning. However, it should be noted that some tasks or circumstances may call for individual or one-on-one tuition. The best approach is to use the two methods collaboratively and in the best interest of the students.
One-on-one Vs. Group-Based Classes
After group-based tuition, one-on-one is the second most popular. The teacher directly engages one or two students at a time. Although it is also relatively effective, it denies the students an opportunity to learn together with other students.
Students might also rely on the tutor excessively even on tasks that they can easily handle. This might not stretch their thinking capacity to the maximum potential. Although the teacher might have more time with the student, it might not achieve the holistic objective of education. Apart from academic skills, students should also learn other skills like interaction, communication, and teamwork.
9 Benefits of Group-Based Physics Tuition
After comparing the most common tuition strategies, let’s have a look at some of the advantages of group-based tuition over the other methods.
1. Effective Instructor Engagement
Groups are an essential tool in teaching. They help the tutor to focus on students who share challenges when it comes to understanding topics. Students can brainstorm their views before resorting to the tutor for guidance. Engagement between students is a crucial part of the learning process because it provokes them to think beyond what they get in the tuition classes in Singapore.
Another important aspect when it comes to the understanding of JC or A level Physics is the improvement in performance. The tutor groups the students according to their strengths and not-so-strong areas. For example, one student might find it easier to understand the concept of pressure than mass. In such a case, the tutor may group the student with another who complements them.
Group-based Physics tuition does not only make the tutor’s work easier but also broadens the students’ perspective. Consequently, it becomes more effective in acing A level or JC Physics.
2. Diversity of Ideas
Students are wired differently from each other. One may have a certain way of solving problems that others may not be aware of. When students come together, they bring their perspectives together and find the best method to come up with solutions.
Apart from that, group-based Physics comes in handy in the application of theoretical knowledge in the real world. They can come up with different ways that the concepts they study are applied in the workplace. We all agree that it is easier to come up with something better when you have critics of your ideas. It helps you to improve and come up with something more solid and acceptable.
3. Easier to Work on Complex Topics
Have you ever tried to work on a calculation but nothing comes to fruition? The more you try it, the harder it seems. Then discouragement sets in after spending hours trying the same thing over and over again. Then you ask one of your coursemates to assist you in solving the problem. Within minutes everything falls into place and you can’t believe how all along the solution did not cross your mind.
You are not alone. What is complex to one student can be a walkover for another. Therefore, group-based Physics tuition helps students to focus on helping others in their area of strength. This makes it easy to find a solution for complex calculations, concepts, formulas, or equations.
Tutors come in when to polish up the areas that students have the basics on. As a student, a group study eliminates discouragement when you can’t solve a problem.
4. Accountability Learning
Not every day you will be psyched up to attend your physics tuition classes. But when you have study buddies, they can drag you along when you are not in the mood. Over time, tuition becomes something you look forward to because of the warmth you get from your group.
Group-based Physics tuition also keeps you on toes to do all the assignments given. You don’t want to be the one lagging the team behind. When each member works towards personal and team success, then everyone succeeds.
On the other hand, it might not be easy to work as a lone ranger. When you lack motivation, it is easier to ignore your classes. Apart from that, you can easily exchange study materials with your group members. This may not work well with a one-on-one strategy where the only resource you rely on is what the tutor provides.
5. Improves Communication and Boosts Self-Esteem
Self-confidence and academic excellence go hand in hand. Group-based Physics tuition gives you an opportunity to improve on your communication. As you explain concepts to fellow students, you also gain by improving your vocabulary. Apart from that, you learn different delivery methods.
When you explain a concept flawlessly, you not only help other students but also, the concepts stick in your mind. More so, you also boost your esteem and confidence when solving the problems. You become better equipped with the necessary skills to tackle your level or JC exams.
As part of the bonus, good communication skills and self-esteem lead to leadership skills. Under such groups, you may realize that you can lead people. This goes a long way to preparing you for the real world.
6. Group Motivation
Group-based tuition gives you the urge to study extra hard. You get the motivation from the other students and you can spend more time to achieve your group targets. Apart from that, you can set targets as a group and help each other towards that. Although at times competition can be healthy, when used appropriately, it can be a major part of a student’s success story.
The tutor can also give the group a collective task to handle as a team. This creates teamwork skills that are necessary for the workplace. It helps the student to learn different personalities and how to handle each. Consequently, this creates tolerance and understanding when working with other people.
7. Constructive Interdependence
It is difficult to make it sole in a world that is full of fair and unfair competition. Group-based Physics tuition helps students to learn areas they can depend on others for assistance. The strategy also gives the students a platform to offer assistance in areas they feel most competent.
Some subjects like A level Physics requires collaboration between students and tutors as well. In case the students have areas they feel challenged, they can consult the tutor or other students. Students understand that in case one member of the team fails in their part, the whole group suffers the consequences. Therefore, each student works towards the achievement of the team objectives.
8. Learn to Teach
Students have an opportunity to teach fellow students either in class or during group discussions. The tutor always gives them an opportunity to answer and ask questions. Some students may also volunteer to explain some concepts to their fellows. is also a motivation when students realize they can explain concepts.
The skill will go a long way into helping the student improve their teaching skills. This is not required in the field of education only but also in other professions. Employees are called upon to explain stuff to other stakeholders in the company. If this skill is learnt in JC, it will help the Physics student when it comes to the presentation as they advance.
9. Self-Discovery
When students come together, they help each other know their strengths and weaknesses. Apart from that, students also identify their personalities and know how they can manage the not-so-good aspects of their temperaments. When it comes to the application of Physics, tuition colleagues can help you identify careers that are suited for your strengths.
It is also a good opportunity to interact in a real-world environment where people interact and solve problems together. Students who go through group-based Physics tuition are better suited for the workplace environment.
Considering all these benefits of group-based Physics tuition, the method reigns supreme over the other methods. However, this does not mean that tutors should not use other strategies. The methods should supplement each other to produce a holistic student. Apart from academic success, students should embrace other aspects of life like communication and teamwork.
Today, employers do not consider academic skills only, other social skills come in handy for the success of the whole team.
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