
[S4] Term 1 Week 0 (6-12 Jan) Updates/Debrief

Special Mention from PMC HQ

Please refer to the term calendar (subjected to changes). https://tinyurl.com/pmc2020S4calendar

There is no lesson scheduled in the week (23 – 29 Jan 2020). No lesson is billed in that week.
Lessons on 21, 22, 30 and 31 Jan is on as per scheduled.


What we did in 2 hours:

Dear S4PH students, hope you guys had a great start to the school term. Let’s get our engines up and running, its going to be an exhilarating year ahead!

We have finished our revision on Waves, whereby we spent the last lesson learning how to memorize the sequence of EM waves (remember Ronald Macdonalds?), as well as the common properties and uses of EM waves.

We also expounded on the pretty challenging concept of Longitudinal waves, where we learnt how to draw graphs and the position of particles, and discovering how to find amplitude and wavelength for longitudinal waves.

And we ended it all with a bang (our 1st test)! We are glad that many of you did well for it. (Thumbs up to those who got full marks!) .You can also check your test results on the student portal now.

Please click on the link to see the test solutions: 


What you take home:

Next week, we are going to start on a new topic: Static Electricity

As a bonus, we have uploaded a video link below on Sound lesson for you to watch at home in your own time, the notes are already in your S4PH Textbook. 

Click Here For the Sound Video

Enjoy, if you have any questions, please feel free to approach your tutors!

Special Mention:

This week marks the release of the “O” level results, the culmination of the hard work of all the graduating S4 students last year. We have received a lot of positive feedback so far, and are glad to have played a part in their success and achievements. Hopefully, next year you guys will be the ones celebrating with us, we look forward to that! In the meantime, stay calm and work hard for your dreams!


What we did in 2 hours:

We completed the revision for Trigonometry, including R-formula. It was tasteful 4 hours recap using slightly challenging questions from exam papers. 

For those whose schools are just starting on Trigo this year, be rest assured that we will be doing another round of revision on this just before your MYE. You may find the questions slightly more demanding for you now but it is just a matter of time before the concepts sink in. Do give yourself a little more time.     

For the questions to be tried at home, please check your answers here: https://tinyurl.com/v8sh7c7 


What you take home:

If you want more practice on Trigo, you can download this set of questions to do at your own pace. The full worked solutions are at the end of each set of questions. 

Basic Trigo: https://tinyurl.com/voa3235
Further Trigo: https://tinyurl.com/usozqtj

What we did in 2 hours:

We had an intense session looking at a number of  Temperature and Energy Profile Diagrams questions. We also went on to understand the effects of catalysts and started on the enthalpy change calculations – which we will continue in the coming lesson.


What you take home:

To keep the momentum going for this chapter, do attempt the Take Away Gems before coming to class this week.  


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