
[J2] Term 1 Week 0 (6-12 Jan) Updates/Debrief

Special Mention from PMC HQ

Please refer to the term calendar (subjected to changes). https://tinyurl.com/pmc2020J2Calendar

There is no lesson scheduled in the week (23 – 29 Jan 2020). No lesson is billed in that week.
Lessons on 21, 22, 30 and 31 Jan is on as per scheduled.

[J2 Physics PMCians] Let’s visit Waves & Superposition again

What we did in 2 hours:

This week, we revised the 3 concepts in the topic of Waves

1) EM Waves

2) Phase difference vs Path difference

3) Intensity

We then went on to study Wave Interference, especially for 2 sources, where we taught you the best method to check if a point is a Maxima or Minima.

What you take home:

Please try the remaining questions in the booklet. The answers to the questions can be found in the link here:


See you next week for part 2 of our revision on Waves & Superposition.

Till then, stay happy and healthy!

We have revised Simple Harmonnic Motion in the first lesson of 2020. Let’s take a look at the lecture video tutorial from the popular MIT Physics Professor Walter Lewin to appreciate the difference between A level SHM and the University SHM.

[J2 Maths PMCians] Integration Techniques

What we did in 2 hours:

As we begin our preparation towards March CTs, we kick the year off with some Integration Techniques Revision. Lets hope our revision on critical techniques for your Integration has helped to shake the rust off and put you in a good position for this chapter.

For the RI / NY (wed) students, lets keep building up our skills with Integration Techniques and have a solid foundation to build upon for the rest of the chapter.

We will be moving on to Substitution and Integration by Parts, as well as releasing some extra practice questions. Do warm up and refresh the topic and look forward to an intense session of revision!

Special Mention:

We encourage our newer NYJC students to join the Bishan wed 7:30pm class for a more comfortable pace picking up Integration.


What we did in 2 hours:

This week, we covered Alkanes and Alkenes as part of your revision for March Common Test. Do try to read through what we have covered within 2 days of your lesson so that the knowledge and techniques stay with you in your long term memory. We will continue to finish Hydrocarbons, continuing with oxidation of alkenes and moving onto arenes.

Do update me about the progress of your school lectures along the term. This can help me better help you prepare for your exams.


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