
[S4] Term 1 Week 7 (17-23 Feb) Updates/ Debrief

[S4 Physics PMCians] 

What we did in 2 hours:

Last lesson, we introduced a new formula for Resistance from which we can determine the resistance of a conductor by finding its Length, Cross-sectional Area and Resistivity. We also learnt how to see if a conductor obeys Ohm’s law (whether its resistance is constant or varying) by looking at its voltage against current graph. More importantly, all of you have completed COE test A and we have an unprecedented number of students getting full marks for this test! (albeit with some hints and tips)   

Congrats and continue to excel!


What you take home:

Great video that explains how resistivity of a material affects the overall resistance.

Special Mention:

Next lesson, we are going to find out how temperature affects the resistance of a conductor and its applications in real life. Also get ready for COE test B, which is all about resistance! Vive La “Resistance”!

[S4 Maths PMCians] 

What we did in 2 hours:

This week, we complete the chapter on Maxima and Minima with a series of application questions.

We took a problem-solving approach that involved 3 steps and understand that we need to use either the first or second derivative test to determine the nature when necessary.

To get you ready with upcoming weighted assessment in school, we did a CA 1 TEST involving all types of application on differentiation that we had learned.


What you take home:

Click the link below for worked solution CA 1 Test:


 Special Mention:

Congratulations to our Top 3 Scorers in the CA1 Test:

1st :  Teo Max from RI

2nd : Genevieve Lui  from CGS

3rd : Isaac Woo from CHS


Test scores have been uploaded to your student portal.  Keep up the good work! =)

[S4 Chemistry PMCians]

What we did in 2 hours:

We have completed half of our Topic Mastery Quiz on Speed of Reaction, Energy Changes and Electrolysis and it’s heartening to see all of you gelling and mastering these topics together. Keep it up!


What you take home:

Please remember to download the specially prepared additional questions via the download link in the previous announcement for your learning.


Special Mention:

We will complete the Topic Mastery Quiz and kickstart our learning in Atmosphere and Ammonia next week. Here’s a simple infographic on air pollutants and their impact on their environment!


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