[S4 Physics PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
Over the weekend of 16 and 17th of May, we have discussed Electromagnetism (EM) through Test C, PMC Challenge 1 to 5 and 2 T/F quizzes. Electromagnetism is confusing to many because there are two ‘Hands-on’ Rules that we need to differentiate and know when to apply, namely:Right-Hand Grip Rule (RHGR) and Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (FLHR). However, please note that if the question ask you WHY the wire is moving when it is placed in an external magnetic field, you MUST NOT say because of FLHR, it moves. Do refer to the notes and the tutorials to find out more.
On 18th May (Monday), the S4PH gathered together from 10 am to 3 pm to recap on Pressure and Kinetic Particle Theory. The tutors and student facilitators were happy to see the usual high attendance rate and very active participation from each of you. Let’s keep up this positive learning environment as we are going to embark on revision for the BIG ‘O’ and/or Final Examination.
What you take home:
For this coming week, the Teachable Website has been updated with Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) notes and videos. Do spend some time to go through them carefully. We understand that this topic is not a tested topic in O level, however, we would still like to strongly encourage you to do the viewing as as this topic is still a pre-requisite when you progress to the A level or even Engineering related courses in Polytechnics.
In our tutorial, we will be going back to recap on COE/DC (and the notes can be found in your textbook). Hence, please get ready the S4PH Book for the lesson.