
[S3] Term 2 Week 6 : Lesson 17 (27 Apr-3 May) Updates/Debrief

[S3 Physics PMCians] 

What we did in 2 hours (PMC LIVE):

We have gone through many questions from the Dynamics MYE DIY Book and the tutors were happy to see that many of you have engaged in fruitful discussions over the Zoom Group Chat. Keep up this good spirit of learning!


We ended off our LIVE tutorial by (I) breaking into different rooms to compete and complete the usual 4Q team challenge, and (II) the Kahoot quiz. 


What we received:

Before the respective LIVE tutorial sessions begin this coming weekend (7th, 9th or 10th May), we would like to invite all of you to complete the online webcast lecture on Work, Energy and Power Lesson 1 and do remember to print out the WEP Structured Challenge from the Tutorial Tab before the Live Lesson this week. 


Special Mention:

Though we may not have our usual face-to-face sessions where you could stay back to ask your tutor questions, we are always here giving full support to your learning in Physics. So, if you have any question(s) to ask, feel free to send them to 9100 1235(PMC HQ). 


Lastly, the tutors would have told you about our PMC.sg app via IOS and Play Store. Make sure you have downloaded it as all our announcements and administrative information will be disseminated to you via this app!


Meanwhile, stay safe, stay home and, of course, stay awesome!!!


Always with you for your Physics Learning,

The S3PH team (Mr Wong, Dr Li and Mr Gary)

[S3 Maths PMCians] 

What we did in 2 hours (PMC LIVE):

We covered a little bit more on angle of inclination of a line and found out its relationship with the gradient of the line. It actually links to what we learnt about the famous big-foot lady (TOA CAH SOH) as m = tan θ = rise-over-run.


We also had a short test, and then engaged in breakout room challenges. Congrats to all the teams who won some points!


About the negative gradient in the rise-over-run concept, we are actually learning part of trigonometry ratio of obtuse angles. Note that we only learnt about tan. We will soon learn more about further trigonometry in the later semester.


What You Received:

Please click the link here for the solutions to the sections below:

  • Solutions to Takeaway Questions (Coordinate Geometry)
  • More practice, Questions/Solutions to Daily Dose (Coordinate Geometry)
  • Solutions to Test A (Coordinate Geometry)
  • Solutions to Coordinate Geometry Chat Challenge Part 3


Special Mention:

In the next LIVE tutorial, we will move on to understand more on the Equation of Circles. Please watch the lecture on Equation of Circles. We will also upload the first part of Chat Challenge (Equation of Circles) to teachable soon. Please download and get it printed before attending the next LIVE. It is also recommended that you reserve these questions to be done together during LIVE.


Your friendly PMC S3 Math tutors

[S3 Chemistry PMCians]

What we did in 2 hours (PMC LIVE):

We have started our learning on qualitative analysis. As demonstrated in class, we should actively make meaning of the chemistry behind the cation and anions test instead of memorising them.


Aqueous sodium hydroxide & ammonia – cation test


What you received:

Do take some time to relook at the video links on the identification tests and rationalise these observations with the use of chemical/ionic equations and solubility of substances!


Special Mention:

Here’s a video on the various test for gases which we will discuss this week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_gPlbExHv0


Stay healthy, stay safe, see you this weekend!



Mr Jacob

Home-Based-Learning (HBL)

1) One weekly PMC Lecture webcast (www.pmc.sg/lecture)
2) One weekly PMC LIVE tutorial (www.pmc.sg/live)

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