[S3 Physics PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
On 3, 5 and 6 Sept, the S3 PH has come together to complete the following:
1) Secret Enclosed – Pressure Part II
2) The Final Lap – MCQ Qn 19 to 22, Structured Qns
Do remember:
- P is related to FOC and speed, V is on the average separation distance and T is on the average KE of the particles.
- P(1) = P(2); same level and same fluid, is the basis to solve questions related to Manometer, Barometer and Hydraulic Press.
Solution to the Remaining Questions are already available to the Folder shared with you previously.
Do remember to check the solution out and feel free to discuss any doubts before or after lesson.
What we received:
In this coming week (Sep 10, 12 and 13), we will continue our revision with Moments and Work Energy and Power.
Do remember to always bring your Secret Enclosed AND the revision books for all lessons.
Do bring along your calculator for the lesson.
Oh, do remember to spend some time to watch the Additional Lesson 1 video (if you have missed the live zoom on Tuesday).
If you have yet to collect the new book, please collect them by this coming weekend!
Special Mention:
Should you need assistance in your daily practices in Physics, do send your attempted workings and questions to 9005 1733. We will strive to clarify your doubts.
From the S3PH Team
(Mr Shane, Dr Li and Mr Gary)