
[S2] Lesson 24 : Light MYE Revision Part 2 (Refraction) Updates/Debrief

[S2 Maths + Science PMCians]

What we did in 2 hours (PMC LIVE):

We revised the two major concepts in Light, i.e. reflection and refraction. This lesson, we delved deeper into refraction by looking at the usage of Snell’s Law, which describes the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction through the use of the refractive index. After which, we discussed how colours are observed by our eyes.


What you received:

Take the quiz provided for you as a revision. The solutions are provided here:



Special Mention:

Let us see how refraction of light is observed in real life:



Next lesson, we will go back to Maths, looking at Similarity and Congruency. We will be using the new textbook, so be prepared!



See you (online)!

Your friendly PMC tutors

Home-Based-Learning (HBL)

1) PMC Lecture webcast (www.pmcdigital.sg)

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