[S1 Maths + Science PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
This week we started our Part 1 of Science Headstart on Chemistry – Ionic Bonding.
For the first half an hour of the lesson, we did a quick recap on what you should have already known and learnt in Sec 1:
1) Atom – consists of protons and neutrons that are located in the nucleus and electrons that orbit around the nucleus.
2) Proton/Atomic number = number of protons; Mass/Nucleon number = number of protons and neutrons.
3) An atom is electrically neutral, hence number of protons = number of electrons.
4) Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.
We then moved on to introduce new concepts which include:
1) Electrons move around the nucleus in electron shells and each electron shell can only hold a fixed number of electrons.
2) Group number = number of valence electrons; Period number = number of electron shells.
3) Noble gases are located in Group 0 and have fully filled valence shells. They are stable and unreactive.
4) Elements in Group I to VII gain, lose of share electrons to achieve electronic configurations like noble gases.
=> Group I to III lose electrons to form cations (+ve ions)
=> Group V to VII gain electrons to form anions (-ve ions)
Lastly, we had fun with Kahoot! before we ended our lesson. 🙂
Special Mention:
Next lesson we will continue with Part 2 of our Science Headstart on Chemistry – Ionic Bonding.
See you soon! 🙂
Your friendly tutors,
The S1MA+SCI Team