[J2 Maths PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
Moving on to distributions, we look at the first one, Binomial Distributions. Be familiar with the conditions to model one as well as its definitions, and apply basic skills to simple problems. Also be familiar with the formulae and how to find expectation and variance when needed.
Discrete Random Variables can be quite a handful when a complicated context is involved. Remember, its more of breaking down the context, since the formulae in this chapter are all quite basic.
What you take home:
In this current learning format, your materials will be uploaded to your folders at pmc.sg/lecture , so do check regularly.
Special Mention:
Our LIVE challenge this week is on binomial distribution. The chapter on its own has limited difficulty, so we’ll be competing on speed this week. Warm up before your challenge!
See You (online) and Stay Healthy!
Your Friendly Math Tutors