[J2 Maths PMCians] Differential Equations Revision
What we did in 2 hours:
Applying DE to applications can be challenging! We’ve gone through the process of coming up with, solving and applying DEs in various contexts. Hopefully the exposure to modern day setting involving Logistics Model, the Lotka Volterra model and Econs has given you more experience and confidence here!
RI Class: Applications of Integration can be one of the toughest chapters, good job managing the heavier exam-style questions. Special shoutout to the 2019 A lvls question, you know it’ll be inspiring some exam setters this year!
What you take home:
The solutions for DE take-away questions, as well as Try-It questions are linked here:
RI Class: The Applications of Integration take-away qns solutions are linked here:
Special Mention:
Next week we’ll begin revision on Vectors. Do warm up!
RI Class: We’ll be moving on Differential Equations, focusing first on Techniques. Don’t forget your Integration Techniques skills though, we’ll need them!