[J2 Maths PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
Moving on to Integration for our Calculus revision, we recap the techniques and apply them to various styles, on top of applications onto areas and volumes. Do note the particular types covered in Secrets Enclosed, including the examples on factor formula, as this has been widely used in recent years’ exams.
We covered a variety of applications, including regions between two graphs, modulus graphs and engineering application. Do note the way the periodic sine and cosine functions are evaluated, as this has been done in recent A-levels papers!
What you take home:
Worked solutions for Q5&6, as well as for the Calculus Take-Away Questions, are linked here:
Special Mention:
In this week, wrapping up our Calculus revision, we will be covering Differential Equations.
See You (online) and Stay Healthy!
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