[J1 Physics PMCians] Now we Understand Projectile Motion!
What we did in 2 hours:
In the last lesson, we pulled together our understanding of kinematics equations to solve Projectile Motion, also called 2-dimensional motion.
We realise that we always have to resolve the motion into 2 directions : Horizontal (no acceleration) & Vertical (acceleration = g).
What you take home:
Besides the resources we provided in previous announcements, this week, you took home Kinematics Test C.
Please try the questions & compare your answers to the solutions provided here: https://tinyurl.com/su5k5v7
Previous material provided (for your reference):
1) Kinematic Daily Dose!
Click here to download (the working and answers are at the back):
2) Collection of Prelim Questions on Kinematics
Special Mention:
Next week, we will begin our journey to explore forces!!
We will begin with establishing a good foundation on drawing proper force diagrams, also called Free Body Diagrams.
Do not miss this upcoming lesson as you’ll need the skills for the entire syllabus!
See you all next lesson!!