
Tips To Study Science Subjects

Tips To Study Science Subjects

Do you always have people telling you how they study, what time is optimum to do so or what you should do to study better? Everyone has their own ways of studying so here are some tips that will definitely work!

1. Spread the Study Sessions

Studying works best in small short duration because our brains are better at retaining information in short sessions. For example, in an hour, you can study for 45 minutes and take a break for the rest of the 15. Instead of trying to get all the information into your head last minute, try to have repeated 30-45 minutes of study sessions over a month.

2. Make Flash Cards

Re-reading the notes you make may be good but it is a disadvantage in helping you retain the important bits. It doesn’t really help to link concepts together or improve your understanding. Flash cards come in handy to help remember the concept from the basics. It acts as a metacognition when you assess yourself immediately and reflect upon your right or wrong answer.

3. Set small goals

Goals are results of plans and commitment to them. At the Physics Math Café(PMC), we like to set goals for you and give you small quizzes along the way to test your understanding of the topics. We’d advise you to set time every week to study, make the goal achievable in small bites. PMC’s way is to play kahoot games, and short quizzes and tests. You’ll definitely benefit points or PMC currency from them that helps you gain incentives. You may also like to reward yourself with a break after hitting every small goal.

4. Train the Brain

Pick a routine to stick to for your study sessions so that your brain will expect the study periods and you will not have to waste time waiting for your brain to start functioning to the subject of study. Try to avoid random studying sessions and make it a routine to revise at the same time every day.

5. Move About

Change your study place daily, it is less likely for you to forget what you are revising or have revised. This is because you cause your brain to associate new things with the same notes. Your memory retention will become stronger.

6. Quiz Yourself

Quiz yourself regularly improves the retention of concepts and facts. The more difficult the information, the more likely you’ll remember it after you have quizzed yourself repeatedly. PMC has short quizzes at the end of our lessons to test the students’ knowledge and recognise where they are in terms of the topic.

7. Make Notes

Writing your notes by hand will help you retain important information, rather than jotting your notes using laptop. This will help you grasp the concepts well and be able to remember facts in detail.

8. Form a Study Group

Studying in a group is not for everyone but it helps in learning effectively. Students who work together in a team learn materials better than revising alone. With a study group, you can clear your doubts for each other and help one another out by solving difficult questions together.

9. Meditate

While having a short study session is good, if you’re the type who has to sit for hours and study, stare at a blank wall and meditate. It helps to reduce anxiety and boosts attention span. Take a few minutes to do this so that you can focus fully during your revision.

10. Listen to Music

Music does help you concentrate but it depends on what you’re listening to while you study. Choose neutral music that is different from your preferred style softly. When studying, don’t play it too loudly or it’ll start to become distracting.

All in all, finding your preferring studying style is important to improve your revision skills. Train your brain to focus during reading and studying, start with short sessions so that you don’t have to stay up revising last minute.

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