

I feel that the workshop is very useful, it have helped me to have a better understanding and a clearer picture of the whole syllabus requirement. Mr Sim’s lessons are very productive, we are constantly engaged. He asks questions, and ensure that we are clear...

I only joined since the June Holiday workshop due to the struggle I had with Physics in school. Joining the workshop has really helped me improve my grade (S) to an (E)/(D) 49.6%. Honestly, I didn’t like physics before joining the workshop. However, I am...

Secrets Enclosed was really helpful for my learning of this subject. Before joining TPC, I was honestly struggling with Physics and was always failing or at most getting an E grade. The JC2 Physics intensive June crash course has helped me so much and made...

Physics cafe is definitely one of the best tuitions for me. I like the atmosphere and the passion of the teachers. They really want to help us, I could tell it was more than just a job for them. I think I joined at the...

I managed to get an A for Physics during A levels. I am extremely proud of that A because Physics has been an area of weakness for my studies. Physics Cafe materials contain much harder questions compared to my school tutorials. These questions challenge me...

I’ve gotten a B and honestly speaking, I’m not really satisfied with my result. TPC has definitely been helpful as my physics grade in JC has always been S or E. I think the most important thing is definitely to try and like the subject...

I got an A for physics and am really satisfied with the result. The physics cafe gave me the help I needed to understand important concepts and work around the exam questions. The lessons were very succinct, teaching the testing points and techniques needed to...

I chose to attend PMC on my own free will and was surprised by the quality of the tuition there. The centre not only aids you in having a solid grasp of the concept but also being familiar with tricky physics questions. Tuition fee is...

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