[S4 Physics PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
We completed the Magnetism Structure Challenge 1.
The Zoom Group Chat, as usual, were very lively and the tutor were happy to see that many of you have understood this chapter very well. Magnetism is proven to be challenging all because it requires very specific key terms (such as ‘As current passes through the solenoid, the solenoid becomes an electromagnet and induces the soft iron rod with unlike poles. Since unlike poles attract, the iron rod will be attracted to the electromagnet.’).
We ended off our LIVE tutorial by breaking into different rooms to compete and complete the usual 4Q team challenge and before a Kahoot quiz.
What you take home:
Before the respective LIVE tutorial sessions begin this coming weekend (9th and 10th May), we would like to invite all of you to complete the online webcast lecture on Electromagnetism Lesson 1 and do remember to print out the Electromagnetism Structure Challenge (found under the tutorial tab in the Teachable Webcast) before the lesson.
Special Mention:
Though we may not have our usual face-to-face sessions where you could stay back to ask your tutor questions or share a thought, we are always with you and we will render our full support to your learning in Physics. So, if you have any question(s) to ask, feel free to send them to 9100 1235. The respective tutors would have inform you on the highly anticipated May Holiday Lessons (11th and 18th May; 10 am to 3 pm).
On the 11th May, the tutor will be going through Moments and Work Energy and Power; while on 18th May, the tutor will be going through Pressure and Kinetic Model. These revision lessons are highly compulsory and we strongly encourage you to take these lesson seriously.
However, if you really can’t make it for the Live Lessons on the day, the video will be uploaded onto the Teachable Website on the same evening (i.e.: evenings of 11 and 18 May respectively) for your learning.
Lastly, the tutors would have told you about our PMC.sg app via IOS and Play Store. Make sure you have downloaded it as all our announcements and administrative information will be disseminated to you via this app!
Meanwhile, stay safe, stay home and, of course, stay awesome!!!
And to all Mothers out there, thank you for your tireless love in raising such great kids and the Physics cafe is very honored to have them in our classes.
On behalf of all members in the Physics Cafe, we salute you for your undying love and sincerely wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!
Your Friendlist,
The S4PH Tutor (Mr Wong, Dr Li and Mr Gary)