[S1 Maths + Science PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
This lesson, we completed a Math chapter on Area and Perimeter. In particular, we learnt to find the area of two new shapes:
1) area of parallelogram = base x height
2) area of trapezium = 1/2 x (sum of parallel sides) x height
* Remember to always use the perpendicular heights.
What you received:
Do take some time to attempt the Take Away Questions on Area and Perimeter. You can find the solutions here:
Special Mention:
In the next two lessons, we will look into another chapter on Mensuration: Surface Area and Volume. Note that we are still using Maths Textbook 2 for the coming lesson.
See you! 🙂
Your friendly tutors,
The S1MA+SCI Team