[J1 Maths PMCians]
What we did in 2 hours:
Concluding our round of Mid-Year Revisions, we went through more application questions in AP GP and covered some Summation & Method of Differences.
The applications in AP GP are highly popular contexts in recent years; do note how the AP GP comparison type is set up and build up good processes and habits regarding the modelling questions!
For our practice on Summation, it is important to note that there are many ways to evaluate a Sigma notation operation, but we aim to do it the most efficient way, always. Method of Differences is usually fun and straightforward, but do be familiar with factorials and extension parts, especially the Replacement type.
What you take home:
The take-away solutions and Integrated/Challenging questions solutions are linked here:
Special Mention:
This week, onsite lessons resume! Joining us online is still available, so do choose a format and timeslot that works for you and arrange make-up or apply for a change in your regular timeslot if necessary.
We move on with the syllabus this week, with a followup from Differentiation, Series Expansions (Maclaurin Series).
See You and Stay Healthy!
Your Friendly Math Tutors